Classification of Visible Can Defects Poster

AOAC INTERNATIONAL Can Defects Poster Bookstore
AOAC INTERNATIONAL in cooperation with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Color photographs and information provided by the metal container manufacturers through cooperation of the Can Manufacturers Institute and food processor members of the National Food Processors Association This chart is suitable for display. Newly updated, this chart is designed to help food industry personnel learn to identify can defects quickly. The chart uses photographs, easy-to-follow explanations, and color coding to illustrate can defects, classify them according to degree of potential hazard, and show what to look for in routine inspection of the finished product. The chart is a valuable reference resource for food processors, salvage operators, retail food personnel, wholesalers, and state and local government sanitarians.
Copyright: 2000
Format: Poster
ISBN: Not listed
Discounted member price: 26.10
You could save: 10.0%